I just got done watching the we'll know movie "
Akira" and all I can say is this movie is amazing a must see the storyline baffled me and everything about the movie just made me excited. I could not wait for the next scene and plot to be revealed. This movie is going to be one of my all time favorites for sure if you have not seen this movie yet I'd suggest you go watch it right now just stop reading this post go watch it right now xD.
Now on the big news side!! There's going to be a LIVE ACTION AKIRA MOVIE COMING OUT SOON 2009!!!! And I cannot wait it will continue the series YES! But it will mostly follow the manga series but I hope this does not get cancelled I want to see it so bad now and yes this is confirmed its not a rumor :p I can't wait.
Oh? They're making a live action version? That's news to me...is there a release date?
When I find out I will add it to the coverage post thank you for commenting!
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